帮我改改语法I chose this song is because that I think this song di


  • That I have chosen this song is because I think this song displays a wide range of changes in structure, dynamics, tempo, texture and instrumentation. The theme of this song is to inspire people.The meaning of the lyrics is about when someone faces difficulty, it may physically exist, or emotionally exist. "You" always support "me". "I" should owe all the success "I" make to you. I can keep moving on, no matter how hard the journey is.And that is all because of you. And that is all the lyrics about.The structures of this song are introduction, verse, instrumentation, chorus, chorus, chorus and coda. The tempo is moderate through the whole song, and the dynamics is from soft in the introduction to moderately soft in the chorus and the instrumental, and it becomes louder and louder in the last three chorus parts, but it becomes soft again in the coda. The instruments for this song are piano, pipe, violin, viola, cello, double bass, drum chorus (and leading male vocal)(这里并列不妥,不是乐器).Except for the introduction the texture in this song is light, but the rest is moderately heavy or heavy.