撞的 英文是什么怎么读的?那个是,一直鸟撞到树上。的那个撞


  • 撞:

    1. to hit

    2. to run into

    3. to strike

    4. to meet by accident

    5. to bump against

    6. to bump into

    Relative explainations:


    1. 他把墙撞出了一个大洞.

    He knocked a big hole in the wall.

    2. 他那不幸的恋人被汽车撞倒了.

    His hapless lover was knocked down by a car.

    3. 那个男孩撞到了她身上.

    The boy knocked into her.

    4. 被车子撞倒后,他在医院里度过了一星期.

    (Having been) Knocked down by a car, he spent a week in the hospital.

    5. 他故意把那个老人撞倒.

    He knocked the old man down on purpose.

    6. 看,你这是往哪里走?差点儿把我撞倒了

    Can't you look where you're going? You nearly knocked me over!

    7. 在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆.

    He ran against a lamp post in the dark.