请问在这句话中否定副词的位置原句:Had we not used an out-of-date timetable,we


  • 否定当然要再情态动词之后啊,



    They are not (aren't) here.

    Did she see him?No,she didn't.

    He warned me not to be late.

    Not allowed to work,he got very


    2.not用在动词think、suppose、believe、expect、hope、seem等,副词probably、perhaps等,及词组be afraid等后面,代替that引导的表示否定意义的从句.如:

    -Will they come tomorrow?

    -I suppose not.(=I suppose they will not come tomorrow.)

    -Will it rain this afternoon?

    -Probably not.(=Probably it will not rain.)

    -May I come in?

    -I'm afraid not.(=I'm afraid you can't.)



    All is not gold that glitters.闪光的未必都是金子.

    Every person cannot do it.并非每一个人都能做到这一点.

    He is not always so kind to people.他并非总对人那么友好.

    注:表示全部否定时,常用none、no、neither、never、 nowhere等,或者not与any、anything等连用也可表示全部否定,另外all、both、every等和带in-,un-,dis-等否定前缀的词连用时,也表示全部否定.如:

    I know none of them.他们中我一个人也不认识.

    I don't know any of them.我不认识他们中任何一个人.

    All your answers are incorrect.你的答案都不对.


    He didn't say he would come.他没说他要来.

    He said he wouldn't come.他说他不来了.

    但表示看法的常用动词think、believe、suppose等后接宾语从句,或表示感觉的词语appear、seem、feel、feel like、look as if、sound like等后接从句时,这些从句如表示否定意义,一般将not放在主句中,这是英语的习惯用法.如:

    I don't suppose that she will be back soon.我想她不会很快回来.

    It doesn't seem that we can win.看来我们赢不了.

    It doesn't look like rain.看来不会下雨.

    I don't feel I can stand it any longer.我觉得再也受不了了.