求英语高手修改作文I want to Englishteacher s home and learned English


  • Despite the burning sun this morning, I went to my english teacher's house with notes and had a grammar lesson.

    I came back home after that and had a fulfilling lunch. Also, I have catched my favourite variety show, Running man, on my mobile.

    I had a quick nap after that and woke up to work on my English in the late afternoon. I hope my English is as good as the rest of the classmates.

    At six o'clock, my father and I played tennis in the playground.

    我英文也一般般 但希望有帮到

    我改了些 语病 和 不通顺词语


    楼主意思大致都看得懂 就是一些小毛病 谢谢