英语翻译能翻译几句就翻译几句 200分1.笑谈词穷 古痴今狂终成空 刀钝刃乏 恩断义绝梦方破 路荒遗叹 饱览足迹没人懂


  • 我发现2个错别字,不知道我理解错误了没~有些地方是直译的,没办法翻出那个意境.将就用,总比机器译的顺口嘛.这些词很有感觉啊,弄得我边翻边感慨~

    1.笑谈词穷 古痴今狂终成空 刀钝刃乏 恩断义绝梦方破 路荒遗叹 饱览足迹没人懂 自嘲墨尽 千情万怨已皆愁 (谈 应该是 淡 吧,更对仗)

    Fading laughters and limited words,ancient silliness and present craziness have all gone empty.Only when the sword turns blunt and blade becomes dull,when love and oath are all over,can one wake up from dreams.Nobody can understand my sign on the deserted road or my rich experience on travel.Even self-mockery fails to express mysrlf and all the love and hatred have turned into annoyers.

    2.零碎 枯死的记忆随风飘落 轻轻挨着你远去的车辙 当年我们相遇在不同的街口 相识在不同的时刻 等着 等着 我们错过

    Fragmentary and dead memory has already gone with the wind.Quietly staying beside the track on which you are leaving,I'm recalling the ocassion when we first met each other at different street-corners and acquainted at different time.Waiting and waiting,finally we missed each other.

    3.风中的路 云间的街 若隐若现 时断时连 世间哪有一尘不变

    The path in the wind and street among the clouds are partly hidden and partly visible,sometines parted and sometimes connected.Nothing in the word is eternal.

    4.现实的剧情 就让它比童话更精彩

    The plot is so realistic that we can make it more wonderful than the fairy tales.

    5.情归何方 曲为谁唱 轻纱随风难解思念的伤 英雄伤心为谁几度情长 琴声不断与谁今生共赏 音未觉 纵马置身疆场 (觉 应该是 绝 ,结束的意思吧)

    Where will the love be ended?Whom is the the song sung for?The veils dancing in the wind can't comfort my hurt of missing you,and the hero is sad for someone who he loves deeply.The sound of strings continues,but who can appreciate it with me?Before the music is ended,I head towards the battlefield on the horseback.

    6.岁月难得沉默 秋风厌倦漂泊

    Silence is hardly seen nowadays; with the wind in fall,I feel tired of wandering.

    7.曲终人散 发花鬓白红颜殁 烛残未觉 与日争辉徒

    When the music is over and we get parted,I find my hair white and face pale.Being sleepless all night long with the lignt of a dying candle,I realise that it's useless to compete luminescence with the sun,which would only make me emaciated.