英语翻译1involved nothing more strenuous than a 20-minute train


  • 社科 哲学 艺术类都太难了,不小心就有歧义,太飘忽了.不像科技类那么固定.有错误的话,还请不屑一顾.

    Richard Long’s A Line Made By Walking, however, involved nothing more strenuous than a 20-minute train ride from Waterloo. Having got off somewhere in suburbia, the artist walked backwards and forwards over a piece of grass until the squashed turf formed a line – a kind of drawing on the land.

    Richard Long的作品《A Line Made By Walking》《走出来的线》的创作过程就显得相对轻松多了:他从滑铁卢坐了20分钟的火车,来到郊区的草地上沿着一条线来回走动,直到被踩倒的草坪呈现一条直线,就像是在大地上作画.(这是在对比英美大地艺术家风格的不同,前文提到盐湖作品 Spiral Jetty 是美国艺术家废了很大劲、并更改了地貌landscape,另一个火山眼睛的例子也是美国艺术家,而英国艺术家就不这么折腾了 nothing more strenuous than xxxx!后面的not about imposing也是这个意思,不改地貌 仅仅是假借一下)

    While it probably wasn’t apparent at the time, much of this work is permeated by a spirit of romantic escapism that the likes of Wordsworth would have readily understood.


    British Land Art as shown in this well selected, but relatively modestly scaled exhibition wasn’t about imposing on the landscape, more a kind of landscape-orientated light conceptual art created passing through. It had its origins in the great outdoors, but the results were as gallery-bound as the paintings of Turner and Constable.

    这次Southampton市艺术展馆展出的大地艺术作品,是从英国的大地艺术中精选出来的,但只占相对很小的一部分.不过从中可以看出,那时的英国大地艺术(注意要体现英国二字,有些许和美国对比的意味)并不是利用景观(景物)本身(并不是依赖对景物的索取、比如像美国艺术家的盐湖作品那样修改地貌),而更多的是一种脑力创造的穿插(景观)其中的光线概念艺术.它(大地艺术 land art)起源于令人敬畏的(原始的,不为人所涉猎的)大自然,但结局还是回归到画廊,就像Turner和Constable的作品那样.