几道英语例题:can you put on your coat?Yes,I can.What can you do?I


  • 1、Can you type this letter?

    Yes,I can.

    What can you do?

    I can type this letter.

    2、Can Penny wait for the bus?

    Yes,she can.

    What can Penny do?

    She can wait for the bus.

    3、Can you and sam paint this bookcase?

    Yes,we can.

    What can you and sam do?

    We can paint this bookcase.

    4、Can the cat drink its milk?

    Yes,it can.

    What can the cat do?

    It can drink its milk.

    5、Can Penny and Jane wash the dishes?

    Yes,they can.

    What can Penny and Jane do?

    They can wash the dishes.