对的就去坚持,错的就应该勇敢面对.不知道是对是错,就要多听取别人的意见,三思二行.不要太固执的认为自己是对是错,连大圣人孔子也无法判断是非,(例子:两小儿辩日一文) 有一些事情认为要做的,就要去做了.
What I can choose?Does my choise is right or not?Who can tel
He who can,does.He who can not,teaches.
who can tell me .what i can do .forever likeshe or leave .
It is not who is right but what is right &
What fit I most?What I can choose?
I think I Can do everything but Im not sure it right or wron
a lucky girl,because you can choose to love me or not,but I
What can managers do to motivate people who do not have,or d
it is not who is right but what is right is important
Am i doing the right things?I can not change what has alread
I want to choose the firse name for my baby .Who can give me