My College LifeHow time flies.It has been two years from the


  • Time flies.Suddenly,i realised it's been two years since i came to shijiazhuang vocational technology institute.In the two years,i experienced a lot of things and made lots of friends here.

    Apparently,two years doesn't sound too long for most people.However,i have to say that the two year living and studying in the campus really changed me a lot.Things were difficult for me.For instance,i never lived by myself since i was born.And stuff like how to get along with my roommates and classmates used to be my trouble.But luckily,my friends were there helpnig me get used to college life and get through days when i felt sad,lonely,and homesick.After two years,those problems don't bother me anymore.I have many friends and my personal life is pretty good.Here,a special thank you to my friends and those people who helped me before.

    i still have one year in this college.i think i will value the time with my friends.After i graduate,i will remember these 3 years in this college for my whole life.