educates 这个动词用两次,后半部分可以这样educates in general matters 在一般事务上教育==使之在一般事务中获得长进
一个英文句子问题this hobby educates one not only in the chosen subje
英语~这儿为什么要用过去分词~This hobby educates one not only in the chose00
in college education,emphasis is placed not only on understa00
this monkey is the only clever one in this cage.____________00
英文句子合并。 Not only that, the characters we use are00
But this,on its own,is not enough for a university education00
Which animal lives not only on the land bot also in the wate00
请教一个英语句子That educator have not anticipated the impact of mic00
改错下列句子The fast food trays on the Space Shuttle held not only00
This kind of ___ can not only run on the road but also fly i00
英语句子改错!1:Narrow family education is the only general admissi00