英语翻译The Grandmother's VaseOne day I was lying on the bed,rea


  • 外婆的花瓶

    The Grandmother's Vase

    One day I was lying on the bed,reading,when my mother came ito the room.She held out a vase-a rather ugly vase.She asked,"Would you like to have this vase?" 一天我正趟在床上读书,我妈妈走进房间.她递过一直花瓶--很难看的花瓶,问我"你想要这个吗?"

    I replied quickly,"No,I don't want it." 我很快得回答,"不,我不要"

    As she turned to walk away,I picked up something that said to me,"Wait a minute,don't shut this off yet." So I asked,"Where did you get it?" 正当她转身要走的时候,我意识到她的问题,于是我说"等一下,还没完呢.你从哪里得来的这个花瓶?"

    She said,"Oh,I got it when I filled an order." "What so you mean,filled an order?" I asked.她说"哦,我得到这个因为我完成了一个命令." " 完成一项命令?"我问.

    "Well," she said,"when I was a little girl,the Smith Company mailed catalogs to people.I would take the catalog around the neighborhood,and I'd get people to order from it.When I filled an order and sent it in,they gave me a prize.One time,I got a porch swing for my family." "是这样的"她说"当我还是个小女孩的时候,斯密斯工资把商品目率寄到人们家中,而我让大家从目录里订货.当我完成一项订单并呈报给公司,他们给我一个奖励.有一次,我给我家人拿到一个走廊上的秋千.

    Now you have to understand that my mother is one of six children in a family that her father deserted when she was quite young.Money was real hard to come by.My grandmother managed to keep the family together through the years,although I don't know how.For my mother to win a luxury like a porch swing was a significant accomplishment.Although she no longer had the swing,she had the vase-a vase full of meaning,which she offered to me.Instantly I said,"Mon,I want the vase." 现在你得明白,我妈妈是她家里六个孩子中的一个,而她爸爸在她很小的时候遗弃了她.钱真的很难挣.尽管我不知道我外婆是怎么做到的,但她几年来一直想方设法维持着这个家.对我妈妈来说,赢得像走廊秋千这样一个奢侈品是很了不起的成就.虽然现在这个秋千不在了,她却有一个有着无限意义的花瓶,而她想要把这个花瓶给我.我立刻说,"妈妈,我要这个花瓶"

    Now the vase sits in a prominent place in my living room.It symbolizes a precious meaning which my mother and I share.Unless you and I are sensitive to the other person and hear meaning,we may well have a communication problem.
