把下面句子变一般疑问,否定,并回答 she speak chinese john often watches tv li


  • she speaks chinese.

    She doesn't speak Chinese.

    Does she speak Chinese?

    Yes, she does.

    No, she doesn't.

    john often watches tv

    John often doesn't watch TV.

    Does John often watch TV?

    Yes, she does.

    No, she doesn't.

    lisa has a pen.

    Lisa doesn't have a pen.

    Does Lisa have a pen?

    Yes, she does.

    No, she doesn't.

    there is a post office on center street

    There isn't a post office on Center Street.

    Is there a post office on Center Street?

    Yes, there is.

    No, there isn't.

    he lives in paris

    He doesn't live in Paris.

    Does he live in Paris?

    Yes, he does.

    No, he doesn't.

    Lily's mother comes from tokyo

    Lily's mother doesn't come from Tokyo.

    Does Lily's mother come from Tokyo?

    Yes, she does.

    No, she doesn't.

    祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
