

  • 1.Today I would like to introduce you my favorite Japanese variety show, which is called Super House Transformer.

    2.It is hosted by J ji Tokoro and produced by TV Asahi Corporation.

    3.The show is designed for the family whose house needs some changes. The family offers their budget and the program team appoints certain expert to transform the house according specific problems.

    4.If you have ever watched any news program or variety show of Japanese TV Station, you will find that the age of the interviewee is indicated in the show. Japanese don’t seem to regard age as their secret.

    5.I think this may be the perfect assessment I ever give.

    6.Now I am going to give you a brief introduction of the show and its content, based on an episode of Super House Transformer.

    7.At first, I want to cover some background information for you, to know more about Japan. In Japan, a square meter is equal to 3.3 square meters in China. Ten million yen equals to about 0.81 million RMB. Ten million yen is the income of a Japanese adult for 3 to 4 years.

    8.In this episode, the house is 6 square meters.

    9.So you can image how crowded the living room is.

    10.As there is no washroom, the whole family finishes the washing in a hurry like battling.

    11.The narrow house includes three parts: front hallway, kitchen and staircase.

    12.Most of the houses in Japan possess a front hallway.

    13.They seldom dress in the bathroom.

    14.There are two steps for their bath, taking a shower and then a bubble bath. Shower is for cleaning the body. Bubble bath is for relaxing.

    15.Japanese enjoy bubble bath a lot.

    16.The second floor is also narrow.

    17.It is for bedroom of the family.

    18.The budget of the family is 9 million yen.

    19.This is the original plan graph of the house.

    20.Then comes the expert appointed by the program team.

    21.Transforming begins. First step is moving, and then removing the beam column. Here I omit the process.

    22.To utilize grids is the first trick of the expert.

    23.These grids do not only support the house, but also make full use of the space and increase the storage space.

    24.The expert changes the position of the staircase to the middle of the house.

    25.And the bottom of the staircase is utilized for kitchen.

    26.He makes an iron framework. Can you image its function?

    27.It is a portable shelf for television.

    28.Here is the new washroom, toilet and bathroom.

    29.The expert also makes many S-shaped slats. Do you know what they are for?

    30.This can be a small living room, which uses the space around the staircase.

    31.As illustrated, the function of the S-shaped slats is for chair or for storage.

    32.This space can be also a small study.

    33.Here is the bedroom for the couple. When you lift the tatami, there is also a huge storage space below.

    34.The expert is considerate. He designs a dresser for the hostess.

    35.He also makes separate bedroom for their two sons. Of course, the bedrooms are narrow.

    36.This is an overhead view of the two bedrooms.

    37.The baffle between the rooms can be removed.

    38.The beds in the rooms can be put away in daytime.

    39.Moreover, the expert creates a beautiful balcony for this family.

    40-41. The appearance of the house is so warm, as well as the wood of it.

    42. At last, this family may not be the representative of Japanese houses. It can only reflect a small part of Japanese houses. Meanwhile, this episode of the show was presented long time ago.

    43. This is the end of my speech. Thank you for listening.
