how should we treat tempetation


  • First,stay away from sin.Don’t go looking for Satan just to show that you can withstand his wiles.We aren’t supposed to go looking for trouble,jumping off of spiritual cliffs and expecting angels to rescue us.What I recommend is the opposite:Draw boundaries for yourself that keep you away from the danger.By boundaries,I do not mean that you see how close you can get to sin without actually going over the line.That is stupid,for the simple reason that our strength of resistance varies from time to time.A boundary that may be safe for us one day may be hazardous to us the next,depending on our emotional state.So a boundary,if it’s going to work,has to be set for our weakest moment,not our strongest.

    Many of us struggle with temptation in the form of calories.Here,we can break our boundaries every now and then and still recover.Many people have trouble with alcohol,and experience has shown that the safest boundary for most is “absolutely none.” The potential danger is high; the benefits are low; it is simply not worth the risk.