You study hard.(from now on) 我想变成为将来时态 可以变为You are goning to


  • 将来时的结构,可以是:

    be going to do sth

    will do sth

    be to do sth


    口语里用前两这个比较多,但是,be going to do 的可能性要略强于will

    比如,时候说天边有了乌云,快下雨了,就常用it is going to rain,不说,it will rain

    be to do 是最正式的将来时,用于书面体


    you are going to study hard from now on

    you will study hard from now on

    you are to study hard from now on

    you shall stydy hard from now on(shall书面语,表命令口吻)