英语翻译船已经离开港口很长时间了,按照合同上的规定余款(balance payment)应该在发货前付清的.考虑到你当时


  • 你好,我是外贸在职人员.写给客户的信要准确表达意思还要尽量简单、通俗易懂,注意语气,陈述事实,然后站在客户的角度,重点只有一个希望他尽早付款以便你们寄出单证.写明船期、合同号、余款具体金额.最后一句没必要翻译,你们双方都知道交易方式,写在催款信中有点埋怨客户不知道这个交易方式怎么操作似的.

    The vessel has been leaving for New York since 2011/XX/XX. Balance $XXX should have been paid off before delivery according to our contract XXX. I didn't mention balance before delivery as I thought you might have some difficulties with capital turnover then. The vessel is now reaching New York. Would you please pay balance as soon as possible to get the original documents earlier? We will send them by express upon receipt of your payment. Thanks a lot.