sat挑错题Its settlement of the strike demonstrated that the com
此处必须用平行结构 x,x,and x 因为treat前面没有连接词如果不是平行结构则是run on
改and still make
一道SAT语法挑错题:Members of the Alvin Ailey Dance Company have onc
一道小小的sat语法题~Unfortunately,the opening of the new library com
SAT 挑错题As he (eagerly) awaited the interview (for) the job,
英语翻译“The findings of this study demonstrate that the privati
I know that the irony strikes with the force of a cartoon an
SAT语法题目挑错题(08年1月的真题)the bus would not have to take the long
Although it was believed that human settlement of American W
sat grammar The owners of stadiums that bear the names of no
It is the third time that he ____ the first prize in the com
It is the third time that he ____ the first prize in the com