用以下的单词造句be tired of (疲倦) introduce 〔介绍) allow (允许) respect (


  • I'm too tired even to think.我累得连想也不愿意想.We've already been introduced.我们已经认识了.His parents won't allow him to stay out late.他的父母不会允许他在外待的很晚.A two-minute silence was held as a mark of respect.人们静默两分钟以示尊敬.We haven't won yet, not by no means.我们离成功还远着呢.Luckily he had insured himself against long-term illness.幸运的是,他为自己投了长期病险.He felt bright and cheerful and full of energy..他感到兴高采烈,浑身充满活力.You deserve a reward for being so helpful.你帮了这么大的忙,理应受到奖励. 等待您的检阅~