itis very diffcult to find a public place


  • It is very difficult to find a public place without advertisements now. We can 1 them in the newspaper, on the television, and hear them over the radio, 2 when we watch a ball game, ads will meet our eyes.

    It is true that in the activities of business ads are 3 a more and more important part. They tell people about new products and help more in 4 . In this way they help to be on the increase of products. This is a big advantage.

    5 , ads also bring people all kinds of disadvantages. For example, some of the manufacturers(业主), in their hope to win a big 6 for their products, are even so dishonest that they don’t 7 about their products. When you are watching an interesting TV play, it is suddenly 8 by some ads and they are appearing on the screen. All above, people may get tired of ads. Also some ads 9 children, and they ask their parents to buy them something in the ads. From this point, ads 10 have some disadvantages. B.see C.feel D.realize

    2.A.and B.only C .even D.even though

    3.A.playing B.taking C.getting D.doing

    4.A.sellers B.sales D.producing

    5.A.But B.Also C.Anyway D.However B.supermarket C.production

    7.A.tell the truth B.say anything C.think a lot D.describe anything

    8.A.continued B.stopped C.attacked D.performed B.encourage C.prefer D.attract

    10.A.hardly B.badly C.really D.nearly

