1 Two years had passed i found she had______.(请解释下原因,)


  • 1 Two years had passed i found she had______.(请解释下原因,)

    A a little white hair B much white hair

    C some white hair D a few white hair


    2_____danger man is often much wiser than usual.(能否说下他们之间的区别?)

    A In a time of B In the times of

    C In the time of D In time of

    in times of danger:在危险时刻,in times of:在什么情况下

    3"what makes her so unhappy?""_____one of her favorite books."(为什么不能选A?帮忙分析下,A和D那个是正确答案?)

    A Because she lost B Because of her losing

    C She lost D Her losing


    4Almost everyone fails____ the final test on the first try.(fail 的后面到底跟什么,能否解释下你选择选项的原因.)

    A passing B to pass C to have passed D in passing

    B,fail to do sth:未能做某事

    5 John suggested ______ anything about it until they found out more facts.(A和D到底哪个对,为什么我查的是D而答案是A,A到底对不对.还是说答案给错了……,需要求证你们的答案.)

    A not to say B not say C to say not D not saying
