英语翻译绥阳水厂 2000T/d,水源为水库水,取水管线较长,管网造价高,一次性投入较大.养龙司水厂 3000T/d,水


  • 啊呀,为什么没人“非免费”地帮你啊,那我免为其难的吧~呵呵


    Suiyang Water Plant --capacity 2000T/d, takes the reservoir as its water source. The pipeline from the reservoir to the plant is long and costly, requiring a large-amount investment.

    Yanglongsi Water Plant—capacity 3000T/d, takes the groundwater as its source. Since the source water is of good quality, it only require simple processing treatment of filtration and disinfection to meet the standard for drinking water.

    Gaoping Sewage Treatment Plant—capacity 3000T/d, has a relatively smaller scale. It adopts the traditional Activated Sludge Method in primary clarifier and secondary clarifier and directly emits the clarified water when it meets the standard.