是的.but 引导了两个句子,但由于英语中避免重复,加之两个句子的主语一致,所以后面的句子省略了主语.
He started to complain about this wicked world but was inter
He complained that this was the third time he _____ of the c
he told me all__he had done last night,but I was not interes
He was about to give up and ___ before this point
1.The driver was about to start the car__ he found a blind m
句子成分分析He was going to start the work the following week.This
many students complain about this:they try not to hurt other
By this way he was_to go on_,but it was very expensive to st
complain of ,complain to,complain about的意思及区别
He often complains to me about his father.同义句转换He is ____ __
The sports was about to start_____it began to rain.