how to deel with anger的短文


  • How to deal with anger?

    Anger is a very common emotion to us.But different people have different ways to deal with it.In my opinion,anger should be well controled otherwise she would ruin us.

    There was a story about a lion and a mosquito.One day,the mosquito wanted to prove that he was more powerful than the lion(the king of the jungle),so he went to the lion and asked the king for a duel.The lion was so angry that he took the duel as a gross insult.He jumped,howled,pawing and biting at the mosquito,but all his efforts came to nothing but the pervasive scars of his own furs.At last the mosquito won the duel and flow away proudly.In fact,if the king lion well controlled his anger and didn't take any care about the mosquito's defiance,his fur would be as lubricous as usual.

    This story teaches us a lesson that each time we are enraged by the exiguous "mosquitoes" in our daily life and released our anger to control our mind,at last we get much more harmed than just a bite of the mosquito.So it is clear that the best way of dealing with your anger is taking it under control.