

  • 1.The only ( way )to have friend is to be one.惟一能获得朋友的办法就是自己先成为别人的朋友

    2.A wise man never loses anything if( he )has himself.聪明的人只要拥有自己,便什么也不会失去


    Playing sports like bascball,soccer and basketball is really fun.But when you are playing sports,you should be carefal so that you don't get hurt

    Here are some things that you can do to keep from getting burt

    A.Warm up before playing sports.This can be done by doing exercise like jogging.

    B.Know and play by the rules of the sport.

    C.Don't play if you feel sick,hurt or too tired.

    D.Konw how to use the sports gear(装备)

    E.Wear safely gear at all times.

    F.Don't drink lots of water-before,during and after you play.

    G.Tell your coach(教练) if you get hurt while playing.

    ( f)1.You can wear any clothes you like when you play sports.

    ( t)2.It's good to do some jogging before you play baseball.

    ( t)3.Playing sports is really fun.

    ( t)4.You think playing sports is good for our health,is that right?