

  • 听力

    5 BCAAB 6~10 BCBCB 11~15 ACBCB 16~20 ACBCB


    21~25 DCDCB 26~30 BDCAC 31~35 ABAAC


    36~40 BDDCB 41~45 CDCAB 46~50 ABCCA 51~55 DBCAD


    56~58 CBA 59~62 BDAC 63~66 CDBD 67~70 DBBA


    71.familiar 72.Purposes/Aims 73.organized 74.enjoy 75.queued/waited 76.chose 77.money 78.going 79.joined 80.spent

    One Possible Version:

    Whether_to_help_others_is_an_issue_concerning_everyone._Some_people_hold_the_view_that_helping_others_will_cause_trouble_to_us_unexpectedly,_while others think it a traditional virtue to aid others.

    As is vividly shown in the picture,roses given,fragrance in hand,which means helping others is beneficial both to others and ourselves.It's a pity that people are becoming more and more indifferent to each other.We should help others because everyone needs help no matter what he does.If we lend a helping hand to others,we will be offered help when we have difficulty.What's more,we will feel happy because of our kindness.That's to say,helping others is helping us and we can take pleasure in offering help,which contributes to building a harmonious society.

    Therefore,don't hesitate to help others.How can we help others?Personally,I'm supposed to be concerned about those who're in trouble.I can work as a volunteer,a donator or even as a good listener.Sometimes a few encouraging words could make a difference.

    (155 words)
