

  • 1.Nowadays,the accommodation expenses and other relating costs for people travelling on business would be covered by the company itself.Most of the hotels now offer the business conference rooms,which is facilitated with basic business and commercial supplies such as VCR,air con,and computers.If the business people is not travelling for a conference,then the location of the hotel should be chose near the business destination.

    2.when you apply for a job,CV is the first step that needs to be well-considered,both of the content and the presentation of the CV are important,it needs to be in the right fomat,and it needs to be concise and organised as well.I think CV is the most important because it is the first step you take when you want a job,if you manage it well,it will take you to the next step,which is the interview,and so you have a pretty good chance of getting that particular job.

    3.First,a good topic.It has to be interested,and suitable for your audiences.Second,you have to be well-knowledged for your topic,or,at least familar with what you are going to talk about.Third,the most important step is the organising of the content.what you are going to say in this presentation,what comes first,and what is the next.you can add certain jokes into your prensentation,so that to get a good attraction and effective response from the audience,but the jokes have to be related to your topic.

    4.((experiences obviously is the most important,this one is easy and i'm sure you can do it well yourself))