心情不好 用英语怎么说 好像是什么什么mood 什么的!


  • He could tell she was in a bad mood,and tried to make her laugh out of it.他看出她心情不好,想逗她笑好让她不再想烦恼的事情.2.You had better not talk to your father about this matter,as he is upset now.你最好不要跟你父亲谈这件事,因为他现在心情不好.3.Since she was feeling low,we invited her out for dinner.由于她心情不好,我们邀她一起出去吃晚饭.4.Sometimes i have a blue day ;but I always change this situation by going for a walk.我常常会心情不好,但我会通过散散步来缓解这样的心情.5.Please don't make fun of me when I am not feeling well.我心情不好时请不要跟我开玩笑.6.You've put me in a bad temper.你使我心情不好.
