

  • Understanding Robot

    One Company's Approach to Functional Test Automation with Rational Tools:This article shares the process that Wipro Technologies used to select Rational tools and deploy them to develop a functional test automation suite.

    Getting started with automated testing:Road map to success:If you're doing automated testing or using the Rational Suite testing tools for the very first time,your success will depend on keeping a few simple pointers in mind.This article gives you the pointers you need in order to get started with Rational TestManager and Rational Robot.

    Using Cost-Benefit Analysis to Compare Different Test Structures for Rational Robot:What's the best structure for testing your application with Rational Robot?Cost-benefit analysis can help you compare potential structures and choose the one best suited to your project.Here's a description of how to do it.

    Rapid test automation with Rational Robot:A case study:This case study documents a rapid method of script automation,using Rational Robot,that resulted in very efficient test script development and a 100 percent improvement in script modification time for testing a large application under test (AUT).This article comes from the Rational Edge March 2003 issue.

    Using Robot

    Tips for IBM Rational Robot VU scripting:Learn about some important concepts in VU scripting and put the programming tips to work in your projects.

    Getting started with Rational Robot automation framework support (RRAFS):RRAFS is one of the most popular data/keyword-driven test automation frameworks available today.This article will help you get started with the framework quickly and apply it to testing Web applications.

    Testing Client Certificates with Rational Robot's VU Language:Use this technique to enable multiple virtual testers,each one an executing instance of a VU language script recorded by IBM Rational Robot,to present unique client certificates to a Web application.

    Extending IBM Rational Performance Tester for Java applications with serialized objects:Performance testing of Java applications that use serialized objects for client/server communication poses special challenges.This article describes these challenges and introduces a solution:the Java Serialized Stream (JSS) Extension from Zyntax.

    Using IBM Rational Robot Automation Framework Support (RRAFS) to test mainframe applications:This article is an extension of the developerWorks article titled Getting Started:IBM Rational Robot Test Automation Framework Support (RRAFS).Here the author explores using RRAFS for automated testing of mainframe applications.