

  • 现在完成时是英语时态中最不好掌握的时态,因为对我们来说,它很难在汉语中找到相对应的说法,下面笔者从几个方面分析一下现在完成时的用法.

    1. 现在完成时的定义:

    2. 强调过去的动作和状态对现在产生的影响和结果.


    I have already seen the film.

    Have you decided yet?

    3. 刚刚和最近发生的动作和状态.

    常用的时间状语有:just,lately,recently,in the past few days/weeks

    注意:just 和just now用不同的时态,just now(刚才)一般用过去时.

    I have just phoned him?

    I have visited my parents recently.

    4. 从过去一直延续到现在的动作和状态.



    I have lived here for 20 years.

    I have lived here since I came to this city

    I have learned English since 10 years ago.

    He hasn't come to visit us for a few months.

    5. 从过去到现在一段时间的动作和状态.

    常用的时间状语有:up till now,so far,in this morning,in this week,in this year,in my life


    I have seen him this morning.(时间还在上午)

    I saw him this morning.(时间不是在上午了)

    We have learned so many things from you so far.

    I have seen any bird like this in my life.

    6. 对过去的体验和经历.

    常用的时间状语有:before,ever,once,twice,many times


    I have been to Beijing (去过北京)

    I have gone to Beijing(去北京了,人还没回来〕