in which则为定语从句的用法,此时前面必须有先行词,如place之类表地点的名词.而此句无先行词,则用where,引导地点状语从句.
一道英语题If you are traveling ________ the customs are really fo
If you are traveling ____ the customs are really foreign to00
If you travelling___the customs are really foreign to your o00
英语相关的 if u are traveling forwards in a train,the … 这里为什么要用fo00
If you are serving a customer ,you can say all the following00
you will be in ____if you donot konw the customs when you ar00
英语题!may i ask if you are fond of travelling ____sea?john sug00
if you are able to travel around the world,where will you go00
英语文化生活 阅读短文回答问题 wedding customs are different fo00
The customs in different countries are rather different. If00
一道英语冠词填空题:You'll catch___cold if you are not careful.00