楼主两句问句都是可以的,也可其他的问法,比如:About his marriege what (or how)had he been thinking?
He had been thinking about his marriage的提问句
Had Yanru.I\'ve been thinking about you00
_____he needed money for his marriage ,he had to do a part-t00
12点前1) If he had been a little less _____ about things,his d00
His success was due to he had been working hard.00
He said that his money had been stolen two days ______00
His friend told me that he had been __ of murder.00
He has never been concened about what other people think of00
His success ____ the fact ____ he had been working hard. A.p00
20.He was relieved _____ that his son had been rescued from00
But when he was thinking hard about his work ,he often forgo00