根据题意添空 1.__works in the hospital and helps people.2.Langlang


  • Nurse works in the hospital and helps people.(doctor may kill people) Langlang plays the piano every day.I often row a boat (如果是row a raft感觉就突然间一下子强大起来了,顺便吐槽一下Daming Laking,皇上,大明湖畔……)at the Daming Laking on weekends.Spring is a good season for flaying oxes.(春天是剥牛皮的好季节,或者感觉这里的flay应该是play,然后playing kites放风筝) I got a beautiful gift my 12th birthday.(感觉少了介词,on my 12th birthday或for my 12th birthday,另生日就收到一份礼物太可怜了吧,I got a beautiful girlfriend on my 12th birthday.YY一下)