这是一道改错题It had rained for several days .I felt bored .Fortuna


  • It had rained for several days .I felt bored .Fortunately,it became very fine on last Sunday morning.So I got up early(把felt改成was )

    and decided to go for a walk and took some photos in the( 把took改成 take)

    beautiful country.After breakfast,I carried camera with(在camera前加 a)

    me and set off.Everything did smoothly.I enjoyed my trip (把did改成 went )

    so much that I didn't realize the weather had turned badly(把badly改成bad )

    again.I began to run and it was so late.I was caught (把so改成too )

    in rain and was wet through.I kept on running rntil I got to(把on去掉 )

    the bus stop.I stood there waited a long time for the bus( 在there后加and)

    shivering with cold.Shortly after I got home,I ( 对)

    had a high fever ,that made me stay in bed for a whole week!( 把that改成which)