

  • 朋友,朋友就是在一起谈心,朋友相处是一种相互认可,相互欣赏,相互仰慕.朋友就是一种心灵的感应,是一种心照不宣的感悟,你的举手投足,你的一言一行,哪怕是一个动作、一个眼神.不需要任何解释,不需要过多的语言,不需要扬言,都会心心相印,这就是朋友.你身边有这样的朋友吗?

    riend,friend is in talk together,friends is a mutual recognition,mutual appreciation,mutual admiration.A friend is a spiritual sense,is a tacit understanding,your behavior,your every word and action,even if it is an action,an eye.Do not need any explanation,do not need too much language,do not need to threaten,will have mutual affinity,this is my friend.You have such a friend?