急求大学英语作文when east meet west


  • when est meet west.

    this is an culture-exchanging epoch,when no ester can escap from the impact of western culture. being a Chinese, what should we do to achieve the greatest benefit for our nation and race? shall we resist it , like a stubburn ostrich struggling to stick head into sand and pretending nothing happened,or embrace it , like a young plant absurbing new fresh nutrition from the earch and landing on our feet?

    i personally prefer the later. any wise Chinese will agree with me. surely it is necessary and inevitable to forgo something to get new stuff.however it does not mean no good thing comes from our culture and we need to abundan them all, of course. contrarily, it is rational and reasonable to get a tradeoff between keeping our original culture and accepting new western culture. someone may have started to grumble already :"all your opinion and talking are nonsense, there is nothing we can do to accept western culture. it is too far from us, who are just some regular citizens living in a small town" .actully there is something we can do . we can start with accepting the phenomenon of emigration and overseas students instead of soaring grievance.

    anyway, it is meaningless to act as a young cynic and discriminate anyone from overseas, despite of his/her nationality. If we really hope our country to become more powerful and thriving , it is a good beginning to abundon some old Chinese tradition like shouting slogans and writing english composition assignment and take new western culture like focusing on actions.

