亲们 可不可以帮我把这套试卷做了呀!我信不过自己的英语水平的呀


  • 我来帮你.很辛苦啊,一定要采纳啊,顶一个啊呵呵.正确率99%.21 frustrated activities thoroughly favorable amazed reluctance reacted presentation entertainment relaxation threatens racial efficiency appeared sympathize painful robbery exceptation attachments Currently in with with into down off of in in out

    51 Tom burst into her room, shouted at her:" can't you turn down the music a little bit?"

    52 Now .that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adapt to the cold climate.

    53 He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.

    54 No matter how much it costs, we should try our best to prolong the life of this AIDS girl.