高中英语作文 刚写的 帮我看看那里不对 30分 能打几分


  • 错的地方我用的括号,括号里面的是正确的is Now,summer holiday coming,(we) have disscussed the plan in our class,and some of us think (staying) at home is better than (having) a tour.the reason is it (cost) less money,(besides) (staying) at home is very comfortable,even if (加个I) can't learn more (加个from)outside.

    (Some of others,直接用the others就可以了) have just the oppsite opinion,they think they can get (more改成mang) (chances) to learn (many改成more) konwledge Although (加个主语It)will (take改成cost) (lots) of money.But they think it is worth it

    personlly,i agree with the second view ,Actually i have (more改成mang) (reasons),Travelling will set us free and we can fell (more改成mang) beautiful things in strange place.

    你很多地方用的more ,但是句中没有一个地方有比较的成分,经常这么用,考试里面要被扣分的

    30分,如果严格 最多能得17 18分