1You may choose __ bag you like in that store if you have en


  • 1You may choose __ bag you like in that store if you have enough money

    A some B any C all D many 答案是B

    这里 any 做“任何”解释,整句意思就是“如果你有足够的银子,你可以选择任何你喜欢的包”

    2 Is ____ here?No ,Jane is ill in hospital

    A everybody B somebody C anybody D nobody 答案是 A




    3 What kind of work do you think ___

    A will Ido B can I do C could I do D I could do 答案是D

    这里是考察从句中的语序,应该是正常语序,也就是 主语+助动词+动词,答案中只有D是正确的语序 I+could+do

    4 ___ humans _____ animals can live without air or water .

    A Not only ,but also B Both ,and C Eihter ,or D Neither nor 答案是D

    这里是考察 neither nor 的固定搭配,两者都不!


    5 I ____ her to be better soon .

    A wish B hope C like D think 答案是A


    6 We are going to ____ a food bank ___ poor people .

    A set up ,to help B set up ,helping C set out ,to help D set out ,helping 答案A

    be going to 后边应该接动词原形,建立什么什么 结构应该用 set up

    后边应该是 表目的的补语,应该是动词不定式表目的,


    7 Did you ____much money on the car

    A cost B pay C spend D take

    spend 你在这辆车上花费了很多钱么?


    8 the manager was arrested because he put his power ____bad use ,

    A to B for C in D at 讲下意思呀!

    答案是 Bfor


    9 I t's twelve now .let's have _____lunch together.

    A a B an C the D /

    D have lunch 是固定搭配


    10 那个女孩和她的妈妈很像

    That girl _____ similar ___ her mother

    is similar to 表示 …… 和…… 长得像


    他利用每个星期天上午在一家医院工作 .

    He ____ every Sunday morning ___ in a hospital.用 put to 可以吗

    不可以,应该用spends ……working