

  • knife to take the Law:

    index finger according to the back of the handle.Feast on the most correct posture with a knife was “hand-hold grip or handle by pressing the thumb side of index finger pressure in the handle back.” Some people will probe the knife blade on the index finger,this approach is not correct.In addition to Yao Jinya forced to cut off the root of the cuisine,or a knife is too blunt,the index finger can not probe the knife blade on.Some would stretch the little finger with a knife,especially women.Perhaps the parties that this position was elegant,in fact,is wrong.

    2,eat Western food’s basic position is that the right hand with a knife,take the left fork.At this time the dorsal fork should be facing up.In addition to meat,other dishes try not to eat Chazhao gesture to be seen as beautiful.

    salad fork,when she has only been used.At this time,you can take right hand fork,and the inside upward,without special dorsal upward.In short,the hand can be used to facilitate the operation.If the Bong,“must be in the left hand fork” as the golden rule,a meal may make trouble.