

  • Among my parents and I,there are so many things in my mind, funny, happy, or sad. But in my memory,the most impressed thing happened in my high school life. High school is the first time I leave home for study.

    To me, everything is full of attractive, and I have so many time to do what I want, such as play football, read novels. Those are good to my school life. But I was addict to play online games. That’s too bad. Anytime if I have no class, I will go to internet cafes to play games. It influenced my normal study and life seriously.When the scores came out, I was scared. It’s so badthat I don’t know how to face my parents.

    When the new year’s holiday, I returned home.My parents were very happy, they did a lot of delicious food, and when we had lunch, Father and Mother were giving me more fish and meat. Father asked me in great concern, “Don't study too late into the night. Do be careful of your health. Have you had any examinations recently?” My face turned red. I didn't dare to give Father ananswer. I hadn't made any progress in my studies. I did badly in all subjects. I only got 60 for mathematics and failed in physics. My father was continueto say , “It doesn't matter. Try to find better study methods and to workharder. I am sure you can enter a good university! “ Hearing these words, Ibent my head down. What a kind father! He didn't scold me, but encouraged meinstead. When it was time to back school, I packed my bag and ready to go, fatherwas quickly taking his wallet out, and said, “Have you used up the money”, Isaid my mom had just given me 20 yuan. But he also passed me another 20 yuan,said that, “buy something to eat when you are hungry.” Should I accept it?Father and Mother love me deeply. Why couldn't I get good marks in exams? Tearscame into my eyes. “Don't cry. Now I will take you to the bus stop.” As usual,Father carried that heavy bag and went to his dirty old bike.

    After that holiday, whenI came back to school. My father’s voice was around my ears. I make a decision,I won’t play games, and focus on my schoolwork. My parents were so kind to me, Ishould be worthy of their love.

    Since then, I study very hard, get up early to learning, concentrate on lectures, and ask theteacher what I don’t understand. ”

    I love my parents. Here,I want to say, “thank you, mom and dad, I miss you.”