

  • Money Equals Success?(金钱与成功相等吗?)

    The amount of money that you make can determine your living arrangements,how many vacations you take,levels of stress,and many other things.Does any of that equal success though?Not in my opinion.Let me tell you,how I reached that conclusion.

    Dictionary.com,defines success as “the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.” That’s their main definition for the word.When you think of success you obviously think of money.That’s how our society has betrayed it.Luckily words are just used to express thoughts.I define it as being prosperous in life.Having a rich life doesn’t mean that you have to make a million dollars a year.It means you have to live life to the fullest.Than you have lived a rich experience.Living life to the fullest means not always dwelling on the negative.Adventuring your different levels of enjoyment.Becoming more diverse and expanding your knowledge in my opinion.If you do all of the above.You have accomplished a lot.