Sam Walton是我效力过的最好的老板之一.他是个快乐的人,从不会盛气凌人.上至管理者下至普通工人,所有人在他面前都可以得到平等的对待.他很有亲和力,工作努力,富有创新精神.对公司忠诚的人,都可以有机会买公司的股票,我就是其中之一.我的孩子们还达到了他设置的奖学金标准.工作之外,他和普通人没什么区别.如果你不认识他,到了我们居住的小镇,你是看不出他和其他居民有什么不同之处的.
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汉翻英.We have uploaded both of the two files of the project to
Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of
Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of
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