求帮做英语选择题二、Dialogues (一共10题,每题1分.) 1.【72572】-- What a pity yo


  • 1.【72572】-- What a pity you missed such a good film.-- __B___A. Yes,I enjoyed it very much.B. Yes,I wish I had seen it.C. No,I didn't go there yesterday.D. No,I didn't enjoy it.

    2.【72573】-- I'm beginning to put on weight.-- __C___A. I think you should diet.B. Yes,most people do.C. Not at all.D. Neither should I.

    3.【72578】-- What do you think about early marriage?-- __A___A. Well,I'm afraid it's not a good idea.B. Yes,you're probably right.C. I think they are wonderful.D. I'm sorry,I just can't agree with you.

    4.【72581】-- Excuse me for opening your letter by mistake.-- __A___A. Never mind.It was an old glass anyway.B. Really?How did you do that?C. No,I didn't open your letter.D. You haven't seen my letter,have you?

    5.【72602】-- I've got a bad back.-- __D___A. I think you should contact the bank.B. What about getting a taxi?C. How about using mine?D. I suggest you should see the doctor.

    6.【72624】-- I'm afraid I was sick all week.-- __B___A. You should see the doctor.B. I'm sorry to hear that.C. No,of course not.D. What's the excuse this time?

    7.【72638】-- Would you mind if we asked you for some advice?-- _B____A. Thank you so much for your advice.B. Er…What can I do for you?C. Do you think it's true?D. That's all right.

    8.【72648】-- Hello.May I introduce myself-My name's John.-- __C___A. No trouble at all.B. Don't mention it.C. Pleased to meet you.I'm Li Hong.D. I'll get it myself.Thank you all the same.

    9.【72651】-- Oh goodness,I haven't got any money on me!-- ___B__A. Keep the change,please.B. Let me lend you some.C. Sorry,I haven't got one.D. It's good to save some money.

    10.【72657】-- What would you have done if you had failed the exam?-- __B___A. I wish I had passed the exam.B. Difficult to say,but I think I'd have cried.C. How awful!D. I'm sorry to hear that.