英语翻译1、So companies use new ways__advertising to make people


  • 1、So companies use new ways 【in】(表示在某方面、以……方法) advertising(名词广告) to make people buy things.

    2、Second-hand(二手) clothes are very popular【 with】(be popular with sb. 受某人的欢迎) students or people【for】little money.

    3、Never put【off】(put off;拖延)what you can do today【till】tomorrow.

    4、Do you wear the same clothes【as】 your friends?

    5、Young people like to dress【in】a way that shows【up】(show up 显露)their personality.(个性)

    6、Oh,dear.Your voice sounds very different【from】the phone.What's happening?

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    He continued saving the wounded soldiers although his hand was injured.

    He went【on】saving the wounded soldiers【in despite of 】(尽管)his injured hand.


    I am 【busy with homework或者busy doing homework】(be busy doing/with sth.)(忙于功课)

    I will 【leave fromShanghai for Sydneytomorrow.】leave from+出发地for+目的地

    选词填空 above over below under

    There isan old bridge【over】the river.

    It is very cold today.It is 【below】zero.

    There is a cat 【under】the tree(还有一种是考察你 on the tree是属于树本身的,in the tree 是不属树的. )
