

  • 26课第5题答案应该是A, (如果是26课书本里的习题是没有正确的答案的,因为A拼写错误,那里是weather.)

    If 在表示是否的时候可以被whether取代,If 后面的句子不可以加or not,whether后面可加可不加.

    例: she told me whether my pictures are good or not.

    she told me if my pictures are good.

    28课第七题: A. no one =nobody 不定代词后面不用of 所以A错了

    B. none of =not one of 所以要选B

    26 作文: looked at but understand named neither nor (watch 是看动态的,如watch TV call 的意思是称之为 name 的意思是给它取一个名字的意思)

    27作文: so and knock hurts met

    28作文: drives driven and do not deserve criticizes (ridden 跟自行车.马等相连 criticizes 评价的意思 judge是判断)