

  • Why laughing is good for yourself For exanple,it can helps coping skills Life is out of our control,and that feeling of helplessness can be very scary and stressful.A negative prognosis,the loss of a job and even a breakdown on the highway are sudden,and usually unwelcome,events that we rarely can prepare for.Laughter is a good way to cope with life's unexpected curveballs and help us get over the shock.Though we can't control what happens in life,we can control the way we react to these events.Responding with laughter can protect the mind,body and spirit and put other people at ease.A bleak situation,such as a death in the family,doesn't seem as daunting or hopeless when there's laughter in the room.Find out why blood pressure is a barrel of laughs on the next page 不好请再加删改