求哥特金属乐队Theater of tragedy的Storm的歌词的中文翻译.谢谢~


  • Can you see the storm getting closer now? 你能看见风暴正在靠近吗?

    Tell me how it feels being out there 告诉我站在那的感觉怎么样

    A moment's glimpse of his vignette 一瞬间瞥了一眼他的模糊地影像

    As he shone a light on the falling wall 当他站在倒塌的墙上高举火炬

    Instant pictures form shattered persons 一个瞬间的画面拼凑出破碎的人

    Whenever he leaves there's a tainted mark 无论他何时离开那里都会留下一点污迹

    Flashbacks of his stark sleep filter out through smoke 他僵硬的睡眠的幻觉从烟雾中显现(Stark Sleep可能是失眠时身体僵硬,或者睡着了做噩梦什么的)

    Revoking from the past things less provoked 抹去很少提起的过去的事

    Any which day, there is no relief 每一天 在没有信仰中度过

    Adhesive words, spoken silently 像粘着剂一样模糊不清的话 无声地诉说着

    The shattered man 破碎的人

    Can you see the storm getting closer now? 你能看见风暴正在靠近吗?

    Tell me how it feels being out there 告诉我站在那的感觉怎么样

    I want to stay with you, and i see it clear now 我想和你在一起 现在已经很明显了(可能是指他看见风暴来了)

    You are giving me no choice 你根本不给我机会

    Let the rain pour down 那就让大雨倾盆而下吧

    He's holding for the moment of the fall 他等待着

    Stolen knowledge by minds unformed 从不成熟的心窃取消息

    Regulate the demolition of annexe for the differing thoughts 用不同的想法毁灭附加物

    Discarded sparks left years ago 多年前遗留的废弃的火花

    Evoked a language much more austere 唤起几句朴素的话语

    Reverberating with figments 不断回响着虚构的事物(可能是幻听吧)

    He left a trace of translucence 他只留下了半透明的影像

    Shattered man 破碎的人

    There's a shattered man in a shattered land 在破碎的大地上站立着一个破碎的人

    注:英文歌词本身跳跃性就比较大,再加上这还是哥特金属风的...生僻的词汇很多啊= =|||
