v+doing/to do意思相同..有哪些?


  • v+doing与v+to do的区别

    1.多数动词后要加to do作宾语.例如:want to do,hope to do表示将要去做

    2.有些动词后只能用ing形式(当然也可用名词或代词)作宾语,它们是:allow(但allow sb.to do sth.),advise(advise sb to do),appreicate,avoid,consider=think of(consider sb/sth to be),delay,enjoy,escape,excuse,fancy,finish,forbid(但forbid sb to do sth),get down to,imagine,keep,keep on,miss,mind,permit(permit sb to do),practise,pardon,postpone/put off,require doing(require sb to do),suggest,等.

    3.有些动词后两种形式都可用没有什么太大的差异.例如:continue to do/continue doing,prefer to do/prefer doing,intend to do/intend doing


    like to do (一次性的,具体的,特指的)

    like doing (习惯性的,经常性的,泛指的)

    forget/remember to do(没做)

    forget/remember doing(做了)

    go on to do(前后两件事不同)

    go on doing(前后是同一件事)

    regret doing/having done/not doing/not having done后悔过去的事(无论做没做)

    regret to do(是将来的事,意思是I am sorry to...动词常是say,tell,inform这一类的,表示"不好意思要跟你说一个不利于你的事)

    mean to do 打算做某事

    mean doing 意味着

    sb needs to do sth/sth needs doing=sth needs to be done

    can't help doing禁不住做

    can't help to do 不能帮忙做

    try to do 努力去做

    try doing 试一试做

    stop to do停下现在做的,去做另一件事

    stop doing停下正在做的事
