my grandmother moved into a retirment community开头是这样的英语短文


  • When my grandmother moved into a retirement community named Seventy Five State Street last December, I didnt know quite what to expect. I imagined the place as a terrible nursing home where the residents would need permission to go to the bathroom and where the staff was cruel. To prove my assumption wrong, my aunt took me to see my grandmother.

    The view of my grandmothers room was beautiful. Her two rooms with a private bath were

    great for someone in her 80s.

    The sofa and chairs were very comfortable.You could tell she liked it. After our visit, my grandmother brought up the idea of my volunteering at the retirement

    community. It was nice to visit, but to spend hours talking to old people and hearing their long, boring stories of family and wars didn' t interest me, especially since it would be during my

    summer vacation.

    However, it was still winter, and with my busy life, I put the suggestion in the back of my mind. But my grandmother was excited about her idea. To my surprise, she talked to the director without my agreement. Eventually, I was told to have a try.

    After scheduling my first day, I became a little anxious.

    I wasn’t sure if the residents would accept me.

    When I finally went in for the beano on that summer afternoon,I was surprised by what I saw.

    Instead of a large beano hall crowded with old people, I found a warm, inviting center. I was immediately drawn into the nicely wallpapered, air-conditioned room.  Over the next two months, I spent more than 100 hours at Seventy Five State Street doing the beano, social gatherings, picnics and talking to people one-on-one.

    Hopefully, the experience turned out to be well worth my time and efforts.  It's an awesome feeling to walk down the halls of Seventy Five State Street and be stopped by a resident who doesn’t always know your name, but who knows you are someone who cares.
