几道英语问题1、——did——you tell money about the story?A、how;send B、h


  • 1、——did——you tell money about the story?A、how;send B、how sending C、how sent D、what sending 选择D,因为how在这里没有意义,这题有一点奇怪.

    2、I improve English by____aloud(read) read it 或者 reading 看你这题要现在时还是正在进行时 都可以

    3、i study by reading ___textbook A、learn B、the C、tapes D、to 选择是B,textbook 前面要有助词 比如 a textbook,the textbook,one textbook

    4、I study by____teacher for help 答案asking,问老师的意思要正在进行时

    5、how do you go home everyday?___bike.it's not far from here 答案是 By,骑自行车,自行车前面要有助词

    6、I study by___(make)ocabulary lits.答案是making,要改为正在进行时

    7、what about ____the east laft?(visit)答案是 visiting,改为正在进行时

    8、they practice____English every morning (speak) 答案是speaking,要改为正在进行时.